
Children Youth and Family

The youth and children of our congregation participate in the ministries of Trinity in a wide variety of ways. They are seen as an integral part of our community of faith and life. Each committee within our congregation seeks to include children in all aspects of ministry.

High School and Jr. High Youth
  • Fall Leaf Raking: Our youth gather on the first Saturday in November to rake leaves for some of the elderly in our community.
  • Midnight Bowling: On the Friday after Thanksgiving our youth enjoy a relaxing and entertaining time together as they stay awake to raise those scores and make those strikes.
  • Car Hop: This car show bring drivers with their automobiles from throughout our community and around the state to enjoy this great afternoon complete with awesome cars and motorcycles, good food and rocking oldies music. The youth provide food, and help with keeping everything running smoothly. Proceeds raised support youth ministry trips. Join us annually on the first Sunday afternoon in June here on the streets around our church.
  • Quake: is an annual overnight event held in Pittsburgh each January. This Spiritual retreat is led by Youth Encounter Bands and speakers. Most of our youth attend this and enjoy the forums, guest speakers, dances, music, and food.
  • ELCA Youth Gathering: Our high school youth have a long history of attending the ELCA Youth Gatherings once every three years. They return with a wider sense of the church, a larger sense of who God is, and energized for involvement in ministry back in World. In July 2012 they attend the gathering in New Orleans.
  • Snowtubing: We travel together to Seven Springs for an enjoyable Friday evening of tubing on the snow. It is fun as those who tube fly down the hill and warm back up with hot chocolate inside the lodge. This event is for families.
  • Community Ministry: Our youth find ways to be involved in our community as opportunities are presented to serve food at local soup kitchens, collect items and assemble school bags, purchase and wrap Christmas Basket items for those in need, and distribute boxes of food to the hungry.

Elementary and Younger
  • Egg Hunt: Each year near Easter our congregation and its children gather for an egg hunt at church. We have cookie decorating, storytelling, active games, Easter crafts, and of course the search for eggs!
  • Worship: All children are welcome at worship. We have children’s bulletins, children’s time/message, and on occasion the Sunday School choir will lead us in music.
  • Family Fellowship: Throughout the year families are encouraged to attend congregational events such as the Mother’s Day banquet, the Church picnic, game night, and Kickin’ Keystone Saturday at the park.
  • Service: Our children are instrumental in gift wrapping and pizza eating before Christmas. They delight the elderly as they Christmas Carol to their homes. They make unique Advent and Easter decorations to share with our homebound members.


This committee takes pride in being known as the “fun” committee of the church. The group provides events that allow for interaction between members who attend different services and between all diverse age groups.

In addition, these events serve as easy openings to invite new people to be introduced to the congregation of Trinity. Activities are planned for most months.

  • Congregational Picnic is held each summer, on a Sunday morning and afternoon usually in late August. We have worship service at the park followed by a meal and fellowship. This is a great way for our church to be seen as alive and active in the everyday life of our community.
  • Christmas Caroling is held on a Sunday evening in December. In groups we visit our homebound members and return to church for a pizza party.
  • Mother’s Day Banquet is held on a Saturday evening in early May. All women of the congregation and their children are welcome to attend for this time of dining and entertainment.
  • Men's Communion Breakfast occurs in June at the park.
  • Receptions and Congregational Dinners are often hosted by the committee for special events, guest speakers, and annual meetings.


The Finance committee oversees the finances of Trinity. Reports of our financial status are prepared by the Treasurer and reviewed by this committee. Decisions about investment philosophies are made by this committee in concert with the trust officer.

Other items addressed are preparation of the congregational budget, arranging for audits, preparing a list of approved tellers to count offerings each week, reviewing and soliciting vendor contracts and participating in the process for special gifts requests.


The Personnel committee oversees the work of this congregation’s hired staff. Some areas of concern for the committee include: hired staff concerns, training, and professional development; office operations and efficiency (supported by the Information Technologies Subcommittee); and maintaining/updating the Hired Personnel Handbook and staff position descriptions.

The committee provides annual evaluations to the Congregation Council on the performance of the hired staff and reviews the finalized performance evaluations of the Congregation Council with the hired staff. The Personnel Committee recommends the hiring and discharging of staff to the Congregation Council in accordance with the Hired Personnel Handbook, constitution, and bylaws of our congregation. The committee also makes recommendations to the Congregation Council as to the compensation and benefit packages for the hired staff for each fiscal year budget.

Current Job Opportunities:
  • No Current Job Openings


The Property Committee takes care of the physical facilities of our church. Because of its heavy use, items such as painting and refurbishing are always before us.

The committee works on improvement projects, calling on electrical, plumbing, and carpentry skills. The committee also oversees the maintenance of the exterior of the building and grounds.

Men and women, young and old, are needed for the many tasks. They may work together on scheduled “work days,” or offer themselves individually as time allows for special projects. There are never enough people and always more things to be accomplished!

Special Gifts

The Special Gifts committee works to educate our congregation on how to leave a lasting legacy with gifts to our Endowment. They receive requests for special gifts and work in conjunction with the Church Council. 


Our Outreach Ministry Committee oversees a wide range of ministries that reach out with the love of Christ to those with social, economic or spiritual needs in our community, synod, and around the world. Our ministries include:

  • The Shepherd Shop is open every Tuesday, 10 am to 1 pm. We begin with devotions at 10 am. Free, used clothing, shoes and other household items are made available. A light lunch is also offered. Those wishing to donate good, clean, used clothing may do so by dropping it off inside the doorway in the alley.
  • Purls of Prayer is a Prayer Shawl Ministry which meets every Thursday at  1:00pm.  To become a part of this amazing group who uses helping hands to heal hearts and share joy one stitch at a time or if you or someone you know is in need of a prayer shawl, please contact the office -
  • Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard is located in the front narthex where various food items and paper products are collected for our local food pantry.
  • Greater Latrobe Food Pantry and Fresh Express – volunteers to assist with distribution are coordinated for months designated for Trinity.
  • Red Cross Blood Drives – volunteers are coordinated to host blood drives as scheduled.
  • Faith in Action – supporting this joint ministry with the congregations in Latrobe, serving our senior population age 60 and over.
  • Christmas Baskets provide boxes of food for a Christmas meal along with a gift for those who need a little assistance during Christmas. Money is collected for the food and gifts. Volunteers gather to help sort and pack the boxes and help with distribution.
  • Blanket Drive happens during September to support Church World Service.
  • ELCA Hunger Appeal offerings are received each week! This money is used to support ministries of the ELCA that provide food and resources where they are needed.

Outreach Ministry at Trinity continues to extend Christian care and compassion in many ways of service to those in our congregation, our community and the world. We strive to meet the needs of God’s people through various ministries that our members support with their time, talents and finances. The committee is always looking for other ways we can be the voice, hands and feet for those who need special care or assistance – near or far.


At Trinity the goal of our stewardship ministry is to help God’s people grow in relationship with Jesus through the use of the time, talents, and finances God has entrusted to them.

 It is with joy and thanksgiving that our congregation responds in faith by offering a portion of our income to God. The money received is used to support the ministries of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and the larger ELCA.

Worship & Music

The Worship & Music Committee oversees all aspects of worship life at Trinity. It takes the combined effort of many people for worship to run smoothly and be inspirational. The following are the groups and ministries overseen by the committee:

  • Acolytes
  • Altar Guild
  • Choirs
  • Handbells
  • Decorating Committee
  • Lectors
  • Liturgical Deacons
  • Task Forces
  • Ushers
  • Greeters
  • Gift Presenters
  • Hospitality
Many other members that contribute to our worship life: brass polishers, robe launderers, fair linen and linen launders, baptismal shells, baptismal shawls, banner makers, and bulletin printers and assemblers.