Services of Holy Communion
Be a part of God’s saving story
Saturday at 5:30 pm
Sunday at 8:15 am (live radio broadcast on 1480 AM) and 10:45 am With Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am
Communion at Trinity
The Service of Word and Sacrament is celebrated weekly at all weekend service. We practice 'open communion', welcoming all communing Christians to receive the risen Christ in this meal. Children begin communing at an age deemed appropriate by their parents. First Communion classes are offered prior to Holy Week each year.
Lay Participation
We take seriously our liturgy, which literally means "work of the people." Together we gather to be encountered by God in Word and sacrament and to participate in weekly worship. We encourage our members who are young and old to serve as greeters, ushers, lectors, acolytes, liturgical deacons, bread and wine presenters, and Eucharistic Ministers (communion to our homebound members). We also have members who are involved in preparing the worship space and washing communion glasses following worship.
Follow the links below to view acolyte training:
Every Service:
We also encourage all to use their musical gifts to praise God. We have two Adult Choirs who sing for the Sunday morning worship services. We also have a Funeral Choir and a Handbell Choir. We are also blessed with those who are instrumentalists who enhance our worship during the year.
Sunday at 8:15 am (live radio broadcast on 1480 AM) and 10:45 am With Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am
Communion at Trinity
The Service of Word and Sacrament is celebrated weekly at all weekend service. We practice 'open communion', welcoming all communing Christians to receive the risen Christ in this meal. Children begin communing at an age deemed appropriate by their parents. First Communion classes are offered prior to Holy Week each year.
Lay Participation
We take seriously our liturgy, which literally means "work of the people." Together we gather to be encountered by God in Word and sacrament and to participate in weekly worship. We encourage our members who are young and old to serve as greeters, ushers, lectors, acolytes, liturgical deacons, bread and wine presenters, and Eucharistic Ministers (communion to our homebound members). We also have members who are involved in preparing the worship space and washing communion glasses following worship.
Follow the links below to view acolyte training:
Every Service:
We also encourage all to use their musical gifts to praise God. We have two Adult Choirs who sing for the Sunday morning worship services. We also have a Funeral Choir and a Handbell Choir. We are also blessed with those who are instrumentalists who enhance our worship during the year.