Good Friday Tenebrae Service | March 29
Welcome Trinity Family and Friends!
THE SERVICE OF SHADOWS (Tenebrae) relates the Passion of our Lord through Scripture and music. Seven candles are arranged at the altar, marking the steps of our Lord’s suffering and death. During the service, the candles are extinguished, one by one, until only the “Christ candle” is left burning. After the seventh lesson is read, that candle is carried from the chancel, symbolic of our Lord’s death.
At that point, the ancient “Reproaches of the Cross” are recited, with the procession of a rough-hewn cross into the chancel. A brief period of silence follows for meditation. The congregation then professes the Creed. At the words “and on the third day” the acolyte returns the candle of Christ to the altar, a sign of the resurrection hope.
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March 30 - Saturday 7:30pm - Easter Vigil followed by Easterfest
March 31 - Sunday 8:15am & 10:45am
Easter Day Services of Holy Communion
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